Here are six great pointers on driving change, adapted from HBR's Management Tip of the Day (March 25 2010):
+ Connect people who have common interests but don't know each other.
...use Linkedin, Facebook
...make a successful connection and you strengthen your own!
+ Create innovative new business models by bringing together people and resources in new ways.
...almost everything ever created was derived from something that existed before
...try to look at things in new ways!
+ Keep driving forward with your ideas (granted that you believe in them!) until you find success.
...don't necessarily stick to the same idea flexible
...remember that failure begets success!
+ In the networked age, ideas frequently are more powerful than credentials
...don't give up on someone just because he didn't go to the right school...
+ Recruit supporters early on in the change and/or innovation process's tough to go it all alone!
+ Delegate, delegate, delegate!
...empower others to effect change
...provide a safety net
Agency Growth Starts with Existing Clients
Agency Growth Starts with Existing Clients written by Jarret Redding read
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